Dazey Lady Officially Quigley
Quigley is no stranger to the Dazey blog and insta. She's someone who has helped me since the beginning :) I wanted to go a little deeper and feature her as a Dazey Lady!
She's an amazing blogger and model. We met right before I started Dazey on a shoot. She is possibly the sweetest human ever and quickly had become one of my best friends. She's also been a huge help in my business by collaborating on photoshoots all the time and cross-promoting. It's so crazy to think of the people I may not have become close with without Dazey! Read more able this lovely lady below:
1) Dani -First off what do you do!? Would love to talk about what you do for a living and what you passion is.
Quigley -I am a professional player of the game "Dress Up." For real though, blogging is my job... but playing dress up is my art. My excuse for not cleaning my room as a teenager was that I needed my clothing in a pile on the floor because I "needed to see my palette." No joke. Putting outfits together really is a passion of mine, and I love being able to inspire women to take risks with their wardrobe too. Clothing is so much more than fabric; it's a way to express your unique identity and make a statement! I also help brands with art direction and consult on social media... this is really fun because I love helping small business owners build an identity for their brands and visualize who their client is and how to reach her.
2) Dani -What inspires you and get’s you excited!?
Quigley -This sounds really cheesy, but runway shows really inspire me. I can get lost in a sea of screen grabs and Pinterest boards from my favorite runway shows.
I also love period films and TV shows. My favorite looks are always inspired by some far off time and place and mixed with something current and new.
3) Dani -Where would you want to be in 5 years from now personally and professionally?
Quigley -In five years, I would love to have my own line and also be able to do a bit more traveling as a blogger! I will probably be writing a musical or a book or something like that. I definitely see writing and public speaking in my future! I want to do a TED talk too. :)
4) Dani -What does being a Dazey Lady mean to you?
Quigley -Being a Dazey Lady means wearing many hats! No pun intended. A Dazey lady does it all... she takes risks and lives big. She doesn't get in her own way and goes out of her way to help lift others up. She is a symbol of community and love!!!!
XXX Quigley
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